
Showing posts from March, 2024

Best MIssouri Boys and Girls Basketball Programs Combined

 One of the metrics Gramps looks at for the end of the basketball season is how well the boys and girls programs combined. I know that the boys and girls are normally separate programs and separate coaches but it is still nice to check out which schools demonstrate excellence for both boys and girls.  For the best programs, my guess is that the boys and girls coaches collaborate on feeder and development programs that help both programs show excellence. I took the final rating for each school and combined them.  I also looked at their final ranking amongst all Missouri teams.  I added up the ranking and ratings and sorted by combined rating.  Of course, all girls or all boys schools do not rate as high because they don't have two teams.   Some schools also don't have a girls team but do have a boys team.  I have left a blank for the teams that field just one team. So congratulations to Cardinal Ritter, Kickapoo, John Burroughs, Staley, Rock Bridge...

Believers and Non-Believers - Cardinal Ritter fans knew better

 Did anyone imagine that Cardinal Ritter, with a 4-10 record in Mid-January, would win the Class Six State tournament? Charles Conway did.  Charles was woofing at John Hough over at GSV when he rated Ritter out of the Class Six top ten.  I replied that Conway was Prophetic!  His reply? Charles Conway @Charles12543003 · 1h Replying to @dedmonson68 @JohnHough__ and @GSV_STL Now that’s a fact gramps. I’m a Ritter alum & 2010 state champ myself. Our class 3 title team, beat the class 5 runner up by 20 (CBC) that year, so I kinda know what it looks like when a title team is incoming, especially for Ritter ! Clear the schedule was made for a title run Gramps had faith in the statistics.  I went out of my way to rate about 50 nationally ranked teams just to get a rating on Vashon and Cardinal Ritter because of all the out-of-state teams both played.  That tough schedule was like tempering a steel sword in water after heating it up red-hot.  Both teams ...


 Everyone is complaining about the stacked districts and how great teams in the top ten are not going to be in the state tournament.  I was looking around and saw the Kansas high school setup and came up with an example of how class six would look like with state-wide seeding. How do you seed?  You use something like Gramps metrics or something similar. Currently, many of the top teams are in the same district.  Here's the current class six ratings and teams rated by district: You can see the problem with the current MSHSAA district system below.  Districts 5, 6, 7, and 8 are stacked with top ten teams.  It is unfair to teams like Staley and North Kansas City in District 8 with #1 Oak Park, or Kickapoo and Nixa with Springfield Central in District 5.  Only one team emerges from the current district playoffs.  What's a better way to get the best teams in a state tournament? The State of Kansas uses a super region system.  They pull teams into ...

Gramps Missouri Boys Predictions

 Let the games begin.  Go and cheer and enjoy this last few weeks of Missouri boys basketball. Gramps is hanging it up after this season and looking for a few good "men" to take over the reins.  I will teach anyone interested in doing Gramps ratings, or whatever you want to call them, but it probably needs to be split up because this is a full-time job for one old man. My first option is to hand it over to some coaches who have left the MBCA and want something better.  Well, getting 85 to 90% of all the boys and girls district games correctly is way better than anyone else can do.  In fact, most polls are only 10 or 15 teams deep. I am thinking of having a Zoom call to show the program and solicit interest.  If you or a group might be interested, shoot me an email to If I could find a dozen folks, they could divide up the calculations between the six boy and six girls classes and keep this marvelous ratings thing going. Nuf said a...

Gramps Missouri Girls Basketball Predictions

 The girls play the games.  What Gramps says does not mean "S#it" but I throw these out there to determine whether the ratings hold water.  If the bucket leaks, you go back to the drawing board.  So far the buckets seem water-worthy and Gramps is getting about 85% of the girl's district games correct based upon my last ratings post for each class. It gets tougher now as the competition heats up and if I get 65 or 70% correct, I will be doing just fine.  But don't take this very seriously.  Let the girls compete and enjoy the high level of basketball being played.  It just gets better every year. All of my comments are based on statistical comparisons.  Go to Earl Time Podcasts for an in-depth analysis of players. I have listed the Class One through Four State tournament teams with their rating and the favorite (with the spread in the right-hand column).  Classes Five and Six are still playing in the District finals. Class One - Delta takes on...

March 1 Game Predictions

 Gramps has been hitting on about 85% of his game predictions (posted ratings vs. actual outcome) but there was one game yesterday that made me a little sad. Yep, the Meadville Girls, who had won 59 straight games, and were my odds-on favorite to win Class One again, lost to Northeast Cairo, by 13 when they had been favored to win by 16.  That's a 29-point reversal, based upon Gramp's ratings. I take a neutral, statistical stance on these occurrences. Still, Meadville celebrated every one of their victories with a shout-out to Gramps and several other basketball authorities and I have become emotionally attached to their successes.   I have seen it before.   Teams have had perfect seasons come to an abrupt end with an upset in the finals or semi-finals of a Cinderella season.  I have not lived in a small town but the high school team usually becomes the center of the town's focus and the townspeople live and die with the success of that team, boys or g...