Best MIssouri Boys and Girls Basketball Programs Combined

One of the metrics Gramps looks at for the end of the basketball season is how well the boys and girls programs combined. I know that the boys and girls are normally separate programs and separate coaches but it is still nice to check out which schools demonstrate excellence for both boys and girls. For the best programs, my guess is that the boys and girls coaches collaborate on feeder and development programs that help both programs show excellence. I took the final rating for each school and combined them. I also looked at their final ranking amongst all Missouri teams. I added up the ranking and ratings and sorted by combined rating. Of course, all girls or all boys schools do not rate as high because they don't have two teams. Some schools also don't have a girls team but do have a boys team. I have left a blank for the teams that field just one team. So congratulations to Cardinal Ritter, Kickapoo, John Burroughs, Staley, Rock Bridge...