Don't Ask Gramps! Do It Yourself Stats

 I have had several inquiries about team ratings and I have patiently answered them.  On two of them, I found another error in my reporting form where the team rating did not transfer over from the spreadsheet.  

I appreciate people asking because I make mistakes with over 1100 teams to rate and the multiple forms I use to report these ratings.  Sometimes, a cell value from one spreadsheet falls off the table and I am misreporting the team's rating.

Other times, I simply lose interest in a team.  Halfway through the season, I see no reason to continue calculating their ratings because it probably won't change much and they are mired deep in the class or district rankings.  Sorry folks.  Gramps spends more time on the top dogs than the pack but it is a fact of life.  Time marches on and I drop mediocre teams to focus on the best.

Occasionally, a team comes on strong and I have missed them.  Brent Bradley brought up Father Tolton Girls and I cavalierly asked him to calculate their rating for me.   Some of that was tongue in cheek but part of it was to nurture self-reliance in your readers out there.  


I suggest you do that and if it has changed significantly, you can give me a shout-out.

Here's how you do that.

Take the blank spreadsheet below and fill in the date, Opponent, score, and team record after that game:

Next, go to Gramps Alphabetical Ratings and find the opponent's rating, and fill in that value in both the Opponent Ratind and S.O.S columns.

Next, subtract the Opponent's score from your team's score and put it into the Spread column.  Positive if your team won, and negative if your team lost.

Next, Add the Opponent's Rating and the Spread.  Enter that into the Game Rating column.

When you have finished all of the games played, total the Game Ratings and divide it by the number of games played.  Enter the Rating average at the bottom of the page and copy it to the Raw Rating at the top.

Want to know how the team will do the rest of the season?  Enter the Opponent ratings in that column.  Compare your team's Raw rating to the opponent's rating.  If your team's rating is higher, put a W in the Win column.  Lower?  Put an L in the loss column.

Add up the W's and L's and combine that with the current team record.  That will give you a good idea of how the team will do this season.

Does your rating compare closely to Gramp's posted rating?  No, give me a shout.  If you are willing to do this worksheet, I will recalculate your rating, even if you are the last team in Missouri.

It should take you about 30 minutes to do this homework.

And Brent, here's the worksheet for Father Tolton Girls.  Hope it compares to what you did.  And sorry, I gave up on the Tolton Girls because they seem to be coming on gang-busters.  Good luck to them the rest of the way.


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